Centrally located in western Nevada
Pacific Time Zone
Pro-business tax structure and regulatory environment
Hawthorne is the county seat and known as “America’s Patriotic Home”
Served by Great Basin College
Land mass of 3,813 mi2 (9,876 km2 )
Population >4,400
Average elevation of 3,933 feet (1,199 meters)
Easy access to elected and government officials
Hawthorne is home to the Hawthorne Army Depot
Hawthorne Industrial Airport is county-owned public use general aviation airport with a 6,000 foot long runway
Walker Lake Recreational Area
Desert Bighorn Sheep Ram
Walker Lake offers many recreational options, along with over 1,000 miles of unfenced dirt roads and trails for the adventurous
Key Industry Sectors
→ Agriculture
→ Manufacturing
→ Mining
→ Logistics
→ Tourism